One of the ways I like to stay inspired in my life is to continually challenge myself to create beauty in all that I do.  Many times I look within to see how my "vibe" is affecting those around me; most importantly my husband, children, and those I am in close contact with. 

I have found that the challenge to create and find inspiration generates that inner beauty to shine more from within to make my world brighter.  This month, as I celebrate Fall in it's fullness, decorate our home with pumpkins from the garden, and get out the Halloween decor with my eager son, I chose a DIY project that is close to my heart.

Succulents represent California in so many ways, especially in our current drought.  They are able to withstand drought and flourish despite low levels of water, in fact, they thrive on hardly any nourishment.  Most of Southern California is naturally arid, and succulents are seen throughout numerous natural landscapes.  With a slight touch, these succulent clippings are brought together and become something even more captivating then set alone.  Adding some embellishments bring the finishing touch to the terrariums.   Here's how Heather made hers...

Choose your favorite style of terranium

Add your favorite materials; start with dirt or sand, and add small rocks, shells and moss as desired.


Add various succulent clippings and make sure that the base of the succulent is in the sand or rock bottom section so it will stimulate growth.

Once you have them all in place, add some jute so that you can hang it up in your favorite location!


Water once a week; about 1 tbsp

Be sure to leave in a sun lit area,
as succulents enjoy a lot of sun- just like us Californians :)

Enjoy creating!  
xo Heather


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