Heather Gardner is committed to global awareness and action!
Here at Heather Gardner, we want to encourage everyone we come in contact with to have a global perspective, and for each individual to do your part to make a difference in the world. There are many who do not have adequate medical care, living conditions, and access to basic human resources that we so often take for granted.
Each month, Heather Gardner will donate 10% of all online sales to organizations like Heifer International, whose efforts to end world hunger and empower those in poverty are making a huge difference in our world.

Examples of Charities we support:
Heifer International
Mission Statement:
“Heifer envisions… A world of communities living together in peace and equitably sharing the resources of a healthy planet.
Heifer’s mission is… To work with communities to end hunger and poverty and to care for the earth.
Heifer’s strategy is… To “pass on the gift.” As people share their animals’ offspring with others – along with their knowledge, resources, and skills – an expanding network of hope, dignity, and self-reliance is created that reaches around the globe.
Heifer’s History… This simple idea of giving families a source of food rather than short-term relief caught on and has continued for over 60 years. Today, millions of families in 128 countries have been given the gifts of self-reliance and hope.”
Operation Smile
Mission Statement:
“Throughout the world, Operation Smile volunteers repair childhood facial deformities while building public and private partnerships that advocate for sustainable healthcare systems for children and families. Together, we create smiles, change lives, heal humanity.”
World Vision
Mission Statement:
“World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.”
The Surfrider Foundation
“The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s oceans, waves and beaches for all people, through conservation, activism, research and education.”
We also donate percentages our profits to local schools, churches, and charity organizations through trunk show sale profits.